Job of the future: The In-Pod Chef

The In-Pod Chef. Providing freshly cooked food and a wonderful dining experience, within a driverless pod ... From our series imagining the businesses and jobs of tomorrow

Imagine for a moment… The year is 2046. It’s dinner time on a Sunday evening, and after a day out you’re about to head home with your partner and 2 young children.

You’re flicking through the driverless pod options to book the 40-minute journey home … party pod … sauna pod … yoga pod … business pod …

Then excitedly, you see the pod you were hoping for – the pizza pod – and book straightaway.

3 minutes later. On time the pod arrives. As you enter, on one side of the pod is a dining table with seating for 6. The other side has a full kitchen including a woodfire pizza oven.

Standing proudly in the kitchen is the pod owner. 12 years she’s been an in-pod chef, and “wouldn’t change it for the world” she proclaims through a beaming grin.

She loves the lifestyle the job allows her. Having no fixed workplace means she can explore different parts of the city completely stress-free.

The work is varied and she loves hosting happy, hungry families.

40 minutes later, you and your family arrive home. Tummies full and conversation flowing.

You shout your thanks as you leave the pizza pod. Submit your 5* review and head into the house.

The pizza pod selects which booking request to confirm next, and in turn whizzes off to feed another customer on their journey…