Businesses with goals are 10x more successful than those without... Those with written goals are 3x more successful than those without.

Our Business Strategy Planners are all ...


personal experience running good business


speak in plain English, with no jargon


educated in business to at least degree level


we appreciate getting support can be daunting

Our Business Strategy Planners are all ...


personal experience running good business


speak in plain English, with no jargon


educated in business to at least degree level


we appreciate getting support can be daunting

Clear goals and clear strategy.

You don't have to be alone in business.

By your side, with you on the journey.


Have a clear defined brand message goal, and a clear marketing plan


Have clear defined business goals, and a clear strategy to attain them


Are you borrowing to grow your business or fund cashflow. Can you afford it, any other options?



What message do you want to share? What’s your cross-platform plan?


Where do you want your business to be? How are you going to get it there?


What value are they adding? What would success look like for them and their roles?

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Marketing Strategy

£200 a month

Identify and set key marketing goals for the month
Determine the best mix of social, print, personal
Clear strategy with KPIs to measure success
Regular reviews to ensure success and hold you accountable
4 week plan with no contract

Marketing Strategy

£200 a month

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Identify and set key marketing goals for the month
Determine the best mix of social, print, personal
Clear strategy with KPIs to measure success
Regular reviews to ensure success and hold you accountable
4 week plan with no contract

Business Strategy

£200 a month

Identify an improvement area within your business
Strategy based on available business resources
Be ready to act on opportunities and challenges
Develop your business the way you’d like it to be
4 week plan with no contract
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Business Strategy

£200 a month

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Identify an improvement area within your business
Strategy based on available business resources
Be ready to act on opportunities and challenges
Develop your business the way you’d like it to be
4 week plan with no contract

Build your perfect marketing package.

Select only what you want and need.
You control the cost.

So How does it work?

This all sounds amazing. For details on the nitty gritty… 

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Often these specific roles overlap. A consultant will provide a strategy to achieve a goal. The coach will improve skills to achieve the strategy. The mentor will encourage and support. Traditionally each one in isolation is time-consuming and usually expensive.

That’s why we’ve removed the labels. Our experience has shown that simply talking about your business improves your business.

By setting time aside at the start of each month, to be clear on what you will achieve, why and how. That’s what we offer … business improvement without the labels.

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In simplest form the commitment is three sessions. One at the start, one after two weeks and then after four weeks.

In the first call we will identify your marketing objective for the month as well as your resources available … we then determine the best strategy to achieve what you want to achieve.

Each month the objective may be different. Examples of which may be a new product launch or a specific advertising campaign. Maybe you are looking to leverage your existing customer base further, or you’re looking to drive the acquisition of new customers. Alternatively there may be a seasonal or special event, such as Christmas or the Coronation.

Each month too, the resources may change. You may have staff on holidays which would impact on workflow or time capacity. Similarly you may focus greater funds for specific marketing purposes.

By acknowledging that your marketing goals and resources may change, so you can ensure that your business has the best suited strategy for that period. That is the purpose of the first call.

We also determine how best to measure success of the marketing. The mid-point call is for a progress review – how are the figures looking, how does it feel, what’s the engagement, etc…

The end call is to review the outcomes and to understand the results. Were your actions successful? What new opportunities/ideas arose? What didn’t work, and why? What actions will you retain, what will you get rid of?

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In simplest form the commitment is three sessions. One at the start, mid-point review after two weeks and final review and analysis after four weeks.

In the first call we will identify your key overall business objective for the month as well as your resources available … we then determine the best strategy.

We believe that any business has five key strategy areas: product, client, staff, finance, brand/marketing (How We Work).

So (for example) if this month you are rebranding, next month planning a new product launch and the month after that you are to take on new sales staff, the priorities of the business and focus of the resources will be different each time.

By talking with someone that understands your business and by planning a strategy, you can maximise each of those opportunities and really drive your business forward.

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Absolutely… although we’d only suggest doing so if it adds value to your business.

Although the time you require to set aside for the review calls on each package is relatively short, the actions you are committing to will take focus. We believe it better to have one clear strategy and achieve it; than to have multiple strategies and be spread too thin.

Marketing/brand is one of five strategy areas your business could focus on, the others being product, staff, customer and finance (How We Work).

So if you are the only person in your business, we’d suggest the strategy package only – as the strategies could include marketing for the business in balance with other challenges and opportunities.

If your business has capacity to focus on two identified strategies at once, then multiple packages would be appropriate.

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These sessions are for the benefit of your business. So of course we are happy to be flexible to what will work best for you.

We can meet in Camberley at the Login Lounge, can speak on the phone or we can facetime on Whatsapp or Zoom if you’d rather.

All we ask is that when we do speak – however it may be – that you are able to remove other distractions during our time together, and be able to commit to our sessions. This is simply so that each session will be of maximum benefit.

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These sessions are for the benefit of your business, so if you’d like your business partner/accountant/marketing manager/HR manager etc… to join then of course they are welcome.

A key consideration though would be to not have too many people join the sessions. While other opinions are good to hear and understand, decisions do require to be taken during the sessions and actions committed to.

If having someone else join us allows for more ideas – and the decision process is unaffected – then of course other people are welcome to join.

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We commit to our ‘15 Minute Guarantee’ for all marketing strategy and business strategy packages.

It’s as simple as it sounds. Within the first 15 minutes of our first session, if it doesn’t feel right for you then we can cancel the booking and provide full refund. If we go past the 15-minute mark, then it is understood that you are consenting to proceed with the booked packages.