Quality content marketing grows brand awareness and credibility. Outsourcing ensures all the business benefits with none of the time disruption

Our specialist authors
are all...


skilled to write in your business brand voice


proud of the specialist writing they produce


educated to degree level in relevant course


so we are always able to take your requests

Our specialist authors are all ...


skilled to write in your business brand voice


proud of the specialist writing they produce


educated to degree level in relevant course


so we are always able to take your requests

We create unique content for you

We can provide content ideas and titles

Become known as experts in your sector

With Pictures

Royalty-free images and pictures are included to compliment the article or blog content.

Meta Included

The little snippet on Google that summarises the page content. We’ll handle that for you.

Topic Creation

Provide your own title or let our blog writers craft compelling titles for you.

Written Content

SEO Optimised

We’ll write SEO friendly articles to help you to rank higher in search engine results

7 day delivery

Articles delivered within about 7 days of title or desired content being confirmed.


Include alongside social media and marketing strategy plan 

Blog Writing

from £75 each

Quality blogs are key to content marketing 
Show yourself as an expert, leader or influencer in your industry
Provide your titles, or we can create for you based on your content needs
Full topic research as standard 
Furthermore custom content will enhance your SEO
500-750 words, and ready for review in 7 days
Be 100% happy, one free revision included

Blog Writing

from £75 each

Quality blogs are key to content marketing 
Show yourself as an expert, leader or influencer in your industry
Provide your titles, or we can create for you based on your content needs
Full topic research as standard 
Furthermore custom content will enhance your SEO
500-750 words, and ready for review in 7 days
Be 100% happy, one free revision included

Press Release and Distribution


Quality press releases drive traffic to your business
They can help build credibility and reputation
Provide us a newsworthy headline with clear intent
We will write the release and ensure quality distribution to 350 live placements on high traffic news
Includes a report detailing where your press release was distributed
Ready in 7 days of order
Be 100% happy, unlimited revisions before you accept the release and we distribute for you

Press Release and Distribution


Quality press releases drive traffic to your business
They can help build credibility and reputation
Provide us a newsworthy headline with clear intent
We will write the release and ensure quality distribution to 350 live placements on high traffic news
Includes a report detailing where your press release was distributed
Be 100% happy, unlimited revisions before you accept the release and we distribute for you
Ready in 7 days of order

Build your perfect marketing package.

Select only what you want and need.
You control the cost.

So How does it work?

This all sounds amazing. For details on the nitty gritty…

Edit Content

We are excited by AI. We believe it will be a game-changer for the industry. We post regularly about it on Linkedin and our blog.

There are many ways we expect AI will impact on business and the wider economy. This will directly include social media content and business marketing strategies. For consumers it may change how we consume and use products, as well as the type of products and experiences that we seek.

However for now we feel that the human voice can’t be replicated. It is obvious to the reader when content is AI produced. The time will come when that is no longer the case, but until then we shall write blogs the old fashioned way.

Obviously we may use AI for inspiration for content, but not to write it. Our content is created in-house by humans.

Edit Content

Content marketing is simply creating and sharing great content. The quality of this content will then attract people to your brand, it will increase engagement and grow your business followers.

Good quality content marketing will establish expertise, brand awareness and enhance credibility of your business.

By example, if you run a cake shop and publish a weekly post on techniques and recipes, you will build a loyal audience who comes back for more. And when they’re ready to buy, they’ll think of you first…

Plus, the more quality content you’re posting, the more you’ll have to share on social media – pushing people back to your website or shop. Also this will give your followers and customers more to share with their friends and family.

For the latest examples of our blog writing, see here.

Edit Content

When you place your order, you will receive an email with our brand brief – a 10 question form, which should take about 10 minutes to complete.

This brand brief is your opportunity to provide an overview of your business, your brand voice, target audience and desired focus of the objectives for your marketing.

If you have titles prepared, we will use those. If you don’t have titles, don’t worry – we can suggest these for you.

We do suggest a call at this stage to ensure that we’ve got your brand tone correct, have the right content and the right target audience for the blogs we will produce.

Using your titles and content outline you provide, we then write the blogs for you. Again don’t worry if you don’t have content outline, we are equally able to work from scratch when writing the blogs, or to your outline.

When we write the blogs we will ensure to use keywords you provide. We will write in your brand voice and style, and include suitable images. We will complete appropriate subject research.

You will be provided with blog title, excerpt, summary, image and meta description, ready to upload to your website.

Delivery will be within 7 days for up to 4 blogs, and within 14 days for up to 8 blogs.

We want you to be happy with the content, so we do allow one revision per blog. We aim to complete revisions within 72 hours (depending on level of rework required).

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Press release distribution, allows you to send press releases to a large audience consisting of journalists as well as traditional and online media.

Our professional writers will tell your story clearly and coherently to catch the attention of the media. The tone of the writing will give the impression you’re a leading authority in your industry.

We will write a media-ready press release for you before partly distributing the release via some premium industry news channels and then manually submitting it to other online media outlets for review.

Your press release will be ready for review within 10 days. Of course we do want you to be happy, so you’ll have unlimited revisions and we won’t distribute it until it’s just right.

As part of our service, you’ll get a placement report which shows every single publication of your release and where it ended up on the web.

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When you place your order, you will receive an email requesting details of your intended press release.

We ask you to provide a newsworthy headline. The subject must also be recent. For example:

  • Announcing a new company or partnership
  • Celebrating company milestones or new staff
  • Introducing new products or services
  • Highlighting an existing product or service
  • Promoting an event
  • Showcasing a companies ethos


The headline must clearly represent the content, should be under 18 words and include an active verb.

If you prefer, give us your content and we can write the headline.

We do suggest a call at this stage to ensure that we’ve got your brand tone correct, have the right content and the right target audience for the press release we will produce.

Edit Content

For blog writing, there are three stages following your package purchase: blog content review, blog writing and delivery.

If you change your mind and choose to cancel at blog content review stage, we allow you to cancel your booking with a full refund – assuming you advise us within 10 days of purchasing the package.  

Thereafter for the blog writing stage, we will be committing time and resource to your order. As such we are unable to provide refund if you cancel at this stage.

Customer satisfaction is very important for us. It genuinely matters to each and every person at The Outsource Business that you are happy.

That is the reason our packages are for a set number of blogs and not an ongoing subscription contract. With each new blog package you purchase you are stating your desire to continue, and we are renewing our satisfaction pledge.

Press Release refund policy: if you cancel at press release review stage, we provide full refund – assuming advised within 10 days of purchase.  

No refund provided if press review review has been held, and we have started the process of writing and release.