What are good ideas for social media content?


So you are stuck for content ideas huh? I’ve been there. 

You have a million and one ideas usually, but now you are actually putting together your content its gone, or doesn’t seem like it’s a good enough post. 

If you are feeling that way I’ve created this list of things any brand in any industry can use to help prompt them towards, hopefully, a half decent post! 

  1. Post something funny! You didn’t realise until you got into the office but you put two different shoes on, great #Mondayproblems  
  2. Show off your team! Do a shout out if one of your staff has done well! Are you having a team lunch? Post about your staff! 
  3. Provide some valuable information or education…Go into detail about your product or service….show potential clients / buyers your product or service (what seems simple to you will be fascinating to others! – People love to learn!) 
  4. POV / Day in the life of… Set up your camera, click Timelapse and then go about your day. Simple, easy and effective! Everyone loves a nosey! Record yourself doing every day tasks and errands for your job. We want to see what you do! 
  5. Tips / Tricks / Hacks – similar to point 3 but make it snappy! 
  6. Something inspirational. This could mean something different to everyone. For some it could be a quote, others it could be a reflection story. Make it personal to you ❤️  
  7. Selfie. The most awkward and uncomfortable for some but honestly its the most underrated power tool when it comes to your business’ social media. People buy people. If you need perking up and a reminder that life is not all filters and grace go watch @kneedeepinlife or @ashandchelslifestories for a while. I promise they will fill your heart with so much joy you will be ready to post your selfie that you were feeling hesitant to post!