Business strategy. Simplified.

what to expect from our business strategy planning

Reflects the short term. The daily running of the business.


Key questions: how productive is your business? How efficient? How robust are your processes?


Does your business have the cashflow needed? How well are you managing payments in and out? Can you afford investment?


Finance is one of the five strategy pillars.


Are all staff clear on expectations, roles and processes? Do they have any ideas that could benefit the business?


Staff is one of the five strategy pillars.


Is your product desirable? How can it be developed? Is it of the right quality and cost? What's your competition?


Product is one of the five strategy pillars.

STRATEGY: Customers

How do your clients enjoy your business? How much support do they need, when, and is it easy? Is information readily available? End-to-end, from marketing to sale to follow-up, how does it feel to be a customer?


Customer journey is one of the five strategy pillars.


Are you on social media, do you do marketing? What reputation does your business have? Does it align with your vision and purpose? Do you have the best balance between online, in person and print marketing? 


Brand is one of the five strategy pillars.


Purpose is the long-term goal of the business.


In short, why does your business exist? This will be unique for each business, and towards which all decisions will be made.


Vision is how your business will achieve it's purpose. 


More and more for modern business the vision will consider supply chain ownership, environmental impact and ethical identity.

We believe there are three stages to a business: purpose, operations and strategy.

We believe clarity and balance across each of these is the key to maximising business success.

Within strategy we identify five core business pillars that could each be managed to develop your business: customer, product, staff, finance, brand.

Good ongoing strategy will identify which of these pillars is best to focus time and resource on … to achieve specific goals … with the long-term purpose in mind.

All our business strategy sessions and measurement are based on this model.



All successful businesses have a clear strategy. 

To achieve a clear goal. 

Built on a foundation of operational efficiency and productivity.

Marketing Strategy


The marketing strategy plan focuses on one strategy aspect – that of brand and marketing.

First our Brand Brief is used to identify your business voice and your marketing goals.

Then in discussion together, we understand the available resources in the business. This will include your budget for marketing, the skills, knowledge and capacity of your staff; and your business online presence.

So with goal set for short-term and medium-term. With brand voice and available resources identified, the marketing strategy will prepare the key steps for you and your business to take.

Progress is checked against agreed measures after two weeks.

At the end of each four week strategy plan a review against initial goals and expectations is completed … what worked, what didn’t? what’s to keep and what’s to change?