What are the best days to post for social media engagement?


Oh, this question! 😍 Who else has waited until Sunday evening to post… Just because you think that thats when most people are on social media so you are bound to get more traction?! 

Or who else has scheduled a post for 7:30 AM because you have been told that is when your target client would be “sat on the thrown 🚽” so they are sure to see your post?! 

Honestly, I think TikTok has shown us that social media is far more intelligent than we think, and probably us – but thats a different blog entirely! 

But seriously, how crazy is the algorithm?! Who else has been personally victimised by ADHDtok?! (Awaiting my assessment 💁🏼‍♀️) I’m digressing…but back to the point… TikTok’s algorithm has shown us how smart the technology is…I think we as users and as people trying to push our brand, need to trust that we will be shown to the right people at the right time. All we can do as content creators, as business owners, as social media managers is just keep pushing out our content, keep staying true to who we are by following only the trends that fit with our brands and just wait for something to go viral….Because it will! 

Our honest opinion, on what day is the best day to post is, today…and tomorrow and then the next day. 

With that being said don’t post every day for the sake of it! Post content you are passionate about. That you enjoy. Because if you are just posting because you “need to” it will work against you. 

I feel like I’ve been around the houses with this answer and given a lucid answer…but I hope it makes sense?! 

Post today, post as often as you can, but don’t post willy nilly stuff! See this blog for content ideas if you are stuck!